Environmental sustainability
A key aspect of WOOD Real Estate's ESG strategy is reducing the environmental impact on the environment. As owners of commercial real estate in the office and retail building segments that we manage, rent and value, we are committed to reducing energy performance in accordance with the CRREM (Carbon Risk Real Estate) model. For this, we use not only ordinary MaR, but also smart building management systems that optimize the consumption of energy, hot water, heating, cooling or lighting. We invest in RES, especially in photovoltaic panels, thereby supporting the transition to renewable energy sources. More than 1,400 panels with a total output exceeding 800 kWp are already installed on the roofs of our buildings, and the installation of additional PV plants is planned.

We pay great attention to reducing water consumption and reducing waste generation, by an average of 1.5% per year. For example, we install rainwater collection tanks on our buildings, economical flushing devices are standard, or aerators on water taps, which have a great effect, especially in shopping centers with high traffic. As part of waste management, we sort and ecologically dispose of waste from both office and retail buildings, and we look for opportunities to use bio-waste for subsequent processing in biogas stations.

Among other things, all these steps have a positive effect on the gradual reduction of the carbon footprint and thus demonstrate our group's commitment to decarbonize the portfolio by 33% by 2030 (starting in 2022).

We believe that it is our duty to contribute to the protection of biodiversity, which we try to do, for example, by placing and caring for 15 bee colonies on the roofs of our buildings.

Social engagement
We want to be a reliable and caring partner. That is why we are actively involved in the events of the communities in which we operate and do business. We are in close contact with our tenants and get valuable feedback from them so that they feel satisfied in our premises. Within our buildings, we regularly hold social or sports events, health days or organize charity projects. We strive for transparent communication with the public and stakeholders. We organize company events for our employees as well as activities that lead to financial or material assistance to those in need. We believe that all this not only increases employee satisfaction and loyalty, but also strengthens our company culture.

Governance and ethical management
In the area of ​​governance at WOOD Real Estate, we proceed fully in accordance with the EU taxonomy.We adhere to DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principles across all our business activities. Our properties belonging to real estate sub-funds support the principles of sustainability. These sub-funds were listed as Light Green at the beginning of 2024. This declares our commitment to investing with a sustainable strategy.

Our experienced management team is a guarantee not only of a quality investment plan, but also of maintaining ethical values ​​at a high level, long-term and naturally in accordance with EU requirements and regulations. We believe that transparency and integrity in business provide a solid basis for trust and cooperation with investors and all business partners.

Integrating the ESG strategy into all the activities we engage in at WOOD Real Estate is a natural path for us to a sustainable and ethically responsible business that benefits stakeholders and ultimately the WOOD & Company investment group itself.